Product solution
Checkout widget
Product Design
UX research
With a focus on user-centered design and data-driven decision making, I have worked to optimize the customer experience in the checkout widget and drive business growth. Boosted sales conversion by 33% for businesses using Hola Cash checkout. Designed value-driven solutions that meet business needs, delivered in record time.
My role: Lead product Designer
The team:Technical Product Manager, Software developer
One click-checkout
Together with the product team we designed and launched a seamless one-click checkout experience for customers, reducing friction and increasing conversion rates.
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Multi-currency display
Implemented a multi-currency display solution to address the needs of US shoppers. The solution enabled users to see an estimate of their total payment in dollars, converting Mexican pesos to USD.
Project time: 1 sprint (2 weeks)
Widget personalization
Together with the product team we designed a custom widget personalization. Merchants are able to  tailor the checkout widget to match the look and feel of their brand, resulting in a more seamless and trustworthy checkout experience for their customers.
Metrics implementation
Worked together Product design team and engineering team on mapping checkout widget events for analysis in Amplitude and Google Analytics. This allowed us to analyze the funnel, identify flows, and find opportunities for improvement to enhance the user experience.
We identify a big opportunity in the OTP funnel especially for Android users (only 2.79 % of android user that started the flow of OTP viewed the success page).
What was the opportunity about?
After look at the funnel we started testing the OTP flow in android devices. We identified that the option to copy and paste the OTP Code was not working.
This was quick fix that the engineering team solved within a day. The conversation rate in this funnel increase 8% in two weeks.
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